Teaching Seminar with Bill McMullin and Sarah Geikie at Sperry View Farm, Bethany CT. USDF Education program for both amateurs and professionals of all levels. The first day is targeted toward a large general interest audience; the second day offers 8 individual clinics for those interested in furthering their professional development and in the USDF certification program. Kira to attend both days and participate in the second day, as a prerequisite for being examined for certification at Fourth Level, probably in 2025.
USDF Instructor/Trainer Development Program – Riding – July 14-15, 2024
Riding Seminar with Bill McMullin and Vicki Hammers-ONeil at Weatogue Stables, Salisbury CT. USDF Education program for both amateurs and professionals of all levels. The first day is targeted toward a large general interest audience; the second day offers 8 individual clinics for those interested in the USDF certification program. Kira to attend both days and participate in the second day, limited to 8 individuals, as a prerequisite for being examined for certification at Fourth Level, probably in 2025.
USDF Instructor/Trainer Development Program – Lungeing – April 21-22, 2024
Lungeing Seminar with Ann Guptill and Vicki Hammers-ONeil at Fox Ledge Farm East Haddam, CT. Education program for both amateurs and professionals of all levels. The first day is targeted toward a large general interest audience; the second day offers 8 individual clinics for individuals interested in the USDF certification program. Kira to attend both days and participate in the second day as a prerequisite for ultimately being examined for certification at Fourth Level.
Rob Waine Clinic – April 26-27, 2024
We know how challenging it is at this time of year to plan the show season, so we are happy to be able to give you more notice this year of this very popular clinic! Our regular riders are already on board, so if you are interested, let us know ASAP! It’s Friday and Saturday April 26-27. Rob Waine9-Flyer-4-26,27-24
We will have the outdoor arena set up so, weather permitting, you can work on test movements in regulation size if you like. Excellent footing in both arenas and covered round pen, available for lungeing. Stalls available.
Rob lives in England and trains with Carl Hester, in addition to running his own training stable. He comes to the U.S. several times a year for clinics with select barns. Rob’s pleasant, enthusiastic approach is appreciated by professionals and amateurs alike, Training to FEI. If you’ve come before, we’ll be send you an email for sign-up. Otherwise, text Kira, our Head Trainer and Manager, (715-570-4255) to reserve a spot riding or auditing.
Rob Waine Clinic – January 19-20, 2024
Start out the New Year right with Rob Waine, starting his third year at Cricket Hill! Our regular riders are already on board, so if you are interested, let us know ASAP to take one of the few spots left! It’s Friday and Saturday January 19-20. We have a fairly warm indoor arena with excellent footing and seating on a wooden boardwalk or in the heated lounge with large glass windows. Covered round pen also with excellent footing to lunge. Rob lives in England and trains with Carl Hester, in addition to running his own training stable. He comes to the U.S. several times a year for clinics with select barns. Rob’s pleasant, enthusiastic approach is appreciated by professionals and amateurs alike, Training to FEI. Text Kira, our Head Trainer and Manager, (715-570-4255) to reserve a spot riding or auditing.
Rob Waine Clinic – November 20-21, 2023
Rob Waine is back for his third 2-day clinic at Cricket Hill this year! There are a few spots left, so if you are interested, let us know ASAP! It’s Monday and Tuesday November 20-21 – start your riding week off right! Rob lives in England and trains with Carl Hester, in addition to running his own training stable. He comes to the U.S. several times a year for clinics with select barns. Rob’s pleasant, enthusiastic approach is appreciated by professionals and amateurs alike, Training to FEI. Text Kira, our Head Trainer and Manager, (715-570-4255) to reserve a spot riding or auditing.