Academy’s course for riding, jumping and related horse care

- Safe, progressive, develop knowledge/skills at own pace
- Interactive instruction and workbook with clear goals
- Individual achievement marked by certificates and patches for each module
- Consistent, helpful feedback to student, parent, others
- Our top quality, logical instruction, which maximizes progress, minimizes ‘gaps’ in training
- All activities at Cricket Hill can add to the progress and the fun!
Pleasure Riding & Dressage:
GoldStar – step-by-step individual achievement program with workbooks
- For pleasure riders as well as those who wish to compete in Dressage
- Children and adults
- From Beginners through Training Level Dressage in six modules
Preview GoldStar: GoldStar – Cricket Hill Academy’s Program for Riding and Related Horse Care
ShootingStar – optional program
- GoldStar III or the equivalent basic skills required; ask for an assessment lesson
- Children and adults
- From Beginners through 2’6″ in three modules
- Integrates all jumping disciplines – hunter, jumper, cross-country
Preview the newly revised ShootingStar Modules at the farm.