An enthusiastic audience enjoyed “Snow White and the Cricket Hill Dwarfs”, this year’s original Drama Camp production on horseback. Congratulations to the outstanding cast: Ruby Dunlea, Snow White on Sunshine; Allegra Colman, Prince Charming on Patrick; Caitlin Tierney, the Wicked Queen on Graphike; Nellie Hartzell as Sleepy on Bandit; Mia Coleman as Happy on Andy; and Kylie Mallow played Grumpy on Bridget. The Woodland Animals were played by Stephanie Kleinbauer and Laura Tripp, while Jenn Jones was the Queen’s Henchman.
This is a heartwarming story where, as you might expect, good triumphs over evil and everyone lives happily ever after! With a lively script by Jane Rodd, Lindsay Aspden directed, and Sue Bassin was Narrator. Check out our Camp Schedule and get a reservation now for 2008!