We had a great opportunity to recognize these accomplishments at our annual Holiday Party and Show! Left to right below: Erin & Tate ““ GoldStar III, Lyla & Sunny ““ GoldStar II, Lulu & Madison ““ GoldStar III. These three girls worked through the summer and finished up the final bits this fall. They are the first to complete these modules in the newly revised GoldStar program!
Over the past 18 months, Kira and Jami have been revising both GoldStar for dressage and ShootingStar for jumping. In addition to adding a module to each program, making 7 in GoldStar and 3 in ShootingStar, the revisions improve these programs in important ways: added sections on contact, coming round, and “on the bit”; new discussion of straightness; whole new sections on horse behavior and veterinary topics; careful development of lateral work over the last three modules of GoldStar. Click here to learn more about this unique Cricket Hill program!